The Legend of Sheridan is a vertical slice of “The Legend of Zelda” with the concept of an Overworld, sub-worlds and travelling between them. This game was developed as a part of a “Gameplay Programming” project where the main focus was to implement mechanics rather than having a complete narrative-based game. The game was developed using Unity Game Engine. It was developed in one week by a team of three Programmers studying at Sheridan College, Oakville, Canada. All Art assets (Models, Animations) present in this game are downloaded from the internet (for which, credit goes entirely to the owner(s) involved)
Available on Platform: PC
Inputs Supported: Gamepad (Xbox/PS4)
#Unity #C# #Gameplay #AI #IK #VisualStudio


Huzaifa Saboowala

Dakshvir Singh Rehill

Prashat Gajre

Game Overview

The Legend of Sheridan is a 3D, Third Person Perspective game in which the following mechanics were implemented:

  1. Overworld: Overworld serves as a single level which contains portals that lead to other worlds. Overworld provides all necessary equipment required in the sub levels.
  2. Sub-worlds: There are two sub-worlds present in the game. Each is connected to the Overworld and has special requirements to unlock.
  3. Weapons: There are three kinds of weapons, One which can be wielded using two hands, one with a single hand and one which is range.
  4. Collectibles: Each sub-world requires a collectible token to enter (Axe for First, Key Second)
  5. Enemies: Three types of Enemies were implemented, a range enemy, a melee enemy and a heavy damaging enemy (can be melee or range).

My Contributions

Main contribution towards this project was implementing all three types of Enemy AI. The enemies were not meant to be smart, as long as they performed the actions expected by them. My contribution towards Enemy AI is listed below:

  • Deciding and importing models for each enemy type.
  • Setting up Animators
  • Patrolling within a given area confined using Waypoints
  • Approaching the Player to attack when entered confined space
  • Player-Enemy Combat
  • Animations for Dragon (Hurt, Die)
